

Hi, I’m Skrvn (ˈskɝvən).

Here’s the rub: I made a whole website so I could have some place to collect long-form thoughts, and now I don’t feel much like talking.

Sometimes I feel like writing, sometimes I feel like developing, and sometimes I feel like composing. This site represents the intersection of these three interests. If I don’t have an outlet for one or more, then my mental pathways get clogged and then I can’t do the other two.

I want…what do I want? I want to bring a little joy into the world and leave it a little better than I found it. In the face of ubiquitous suffering and hate I am overwhelmed…and I need a sanctuary where I can clear my head and focus on what I can control. So, welcome. You’ve stumbled upon my safe haven. Have a look around. May joy and peace be with you.
